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  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-23 15:09
  • 签到天数: 2 天









    Rank: 8Rank: 8

    发表于 2019-8-8 11:44:13 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
    7 q2 @) q" d8 q4 i, E" K+ |' i据《每日镜报》8月6报道,英国国家彩票终身赢家奖迎来了第一位幸运儿,他将在此后30年间每月获得1万英镑奖金! E- u5 p6 S* C. ]- q$ [! c$ h# z
    2 W/ s( u# M0 J% _

    : x$ L; t. d+ o+ o( ^  s  R花了1.5英镑买彩票,竟收获了总计高达360万英镑的奖金。知道自己中奖后的第二天,这位24岁的幸运儿就毫不犹豫地跑去辞了他在亚马逊的工作......, s- h! j- k* }! d  X8 O. y
    ' ~0 V( o* v6 X; b/ j" p
    2 }% V. }" b% ?  f, V4 G
    Dean Weymes, who worked in the transport department for the retail giant, hadn't bothered to check his numbers on the evening of the competition and arrived at work as normal at 7am on July 30.
    4 _9 k8 o0 H/ O4 A  y4 O% j/ E3 p在这家零售巨头的运输部门工作的迪安韦姆斯在开奖当晚没有查看自己的号码,而是像往常一样在7月30日早上7点准时上班。% e7 f1 ?' x8 g5 |. K3 D' a
    'I take my first break after 11am, I went out, got my phone out and checked my numbers, and found out I had won,' he said today.. p. b+ l. q/ ?+ q0 d2 ?6 h
    他今天说:“我上午11点以后第一次休息,我走出去,拿出手机,查看了一下号码,发现我中奖了。”, d' c8 |. ^! U- J$ P7 u
    'My break is 15 minutes, but I think I did a break abuse, I think by about 10 minutes. I went back in, sat on my computer for five minutes, and said 'I'm sick' and went home.# W1 I( Z1 m2 l* e
    “我的休息时间是15分钟,但我觉得我滥用了休息时间,我思考了大概10分钟。然后我回到岗位,在电脑前坐了五分钟,说了声‘我病了’就回家了。9 {9 A5 k6 S  U: y8 }
    'The following day I went in to quit, I went to HR and said I have to leave, they said to fill out the form, which said 'why are you leaving?'8 ?6 f1 a- y+ f. _; ]% F
    ' }  J# J- u) r: A2 Z5 j'I wrote 'won Lottery/retirement?' and they were like 'you can't put this down' - I think they thought I was putting a joke reason.'
    3 o2 I9 ~+ s9 M4 P0 E* E  {“我写的是‘中彩票了/要退休?’,然后他们就说了些意思大概是‘你不能这样乱写’的话——我觉得他们以为我是在搞笑。”, Y- n- D! D$ M" P
    (via DailyMail). w$ R, M) ?/ I$ s# d' M

    8 v3 d6 ^+ l* J, a7 T! o; d3 Q$ P) ]" A4 y1 W5 q* C
    辞职后的迪恩有着清晰的目标,那就是去追求梦想,做一名剧作家。7 A/ F! I+ j$ V9 a8 T+ y& P
    Mr Weymes works shifts and weekends for the retail giant but now says he wants to use his winnings to be more creative.2 J  e3 m; b( ^7 O7 \( F
    韦姆斯先生为这家零售巨头轮班加点地干活,但现在他表示,他希望利用奖金让自己变得更有创造力。: h1 ]0 O% @' c  K8 F/ d. [' }
    谈及自己对大荧幕的热爱的同时,迪恩提到了自己患有自闭症的弟弟。" k! I( L. Q* G
    The movie buff from Peterborough, who studied Video and Film at university in Dundalk, in Ireland, said he hopes to use his winnings to help his severely autistic brother, Robert.
    5 U6 O% G9 h' p7 H9 o这位来自彼得伯勒的电影迷曾在爱尔兰登达克的大学里学习视频与电影,他说希望用自己的奖金帮助患有严重自闭症的弟弟罗伯特。
    " a8 G# c% v8 kHe made a documentary about Robert when he was at university, called The Thief, which he said 'went viral' in his native Ireland. And after quitting work, Dean is now planning to start a career as a screen writer.6 S0 o; D0 x1 W& w$ j; i' I
    ' b% e" J  ~0 ~. Y: Q& _He said: 'I studied screen writing at university as this has always been a passion of mine but I have never been able to do anything with this. It was always my dream to become a script writer. I love films and the theatre and now I can do something with this! I can turn my passion into a job - something I never thought I could do.'
    ! P2 X) z$ q0 [他说:“我在大学里学的是电影剧本创作,因为这一直是我的爱好,但我从来没能用它做任何事情。”成为一名剧本作家一直是我的梦想。我热爱电影和剧院,现在我可以对此做出一番事业了!我可以把我的激情注入这一份工作——一个竟然成真了的梦想。”8 V) U+ Q( J6 W! i2 f
    (via DailyMail)4 I6 i) Z# o) T% w
    迪恩的弟弟患有严重的自闭症,言语能力如同一名婴儿,他表示将用一部分奖金来帮助弟弟。$ Y- h8 ]1 b& V7 K; S. ^) E2 L' e4 Z

    % B& e$ O( g- D: b* o5 }4 u
    5 P" T' F! L7 L+ U9 z(图 via express.co)8 D+ X- d; t" e3 |9 ^: W. m
    'He is 6'3 tall and quite stocky, and he can get aggressive, and he can hurt himself and others. He grabs a hold of you and it is very difficult. he takes it out on himself. It's tough.
    * ?5 F1 D2 R- A1 X“他身高约1.83米,非常结实,并且他会变得很有攻击性,他会伤害自己和他人。他抓住你便很难挣脱。他会把气撒在自己身上。日子过得非常艰难。
    8 B. K% j* F! T% `$ l  D5 W'My parents (dad Tom and mum Paula) are getting on a bit now, so it is difficult for them.! A  u6 `$ B. \9 j% S
    “我的父母(爸爸汤姆和妈妈宝拉)现在有点上了年纪,所以这对他们来说很艰难。9 N( g& {, q0 ^+ }% e
    'If they could have regular services that they could even have a break so it is not 24/7. Just to have the best trained professionals to take care of him would make the world of difference.'
    % K- z( \7 [" a  I“如果能有定期的服务让他们得以休息一下,这样就不再是全天候的候照顾弟弟了。只要请受过最好的培训的专业人士来照顾他,情况就会大不一样。”
    + g4 }$ J- S! d: K% N, g7 P; J. B5 \. [0 q! s! l9 s
    (via DailyMail)8 ~+ g! h% t5 k% O5 C4 K/ s
    4 H' ?1 h3 l' @& R1 K3 C8 ]" ^
    # Q$ o9 z& ]# j1 r0 v5 [& w
    这样分期到账的高额奖金,不仅给了迪恩追求梦想的机会,帮助患病弟弟的能力,还解决了他每个月的房租问题,让他有机会享受人生。2 J( @. r) V: P9 V# _( G5 Z, Y
    He says that as well as his trip to Disneyland and his sky dive he is planning a balloon ride.1 P/ B  ^+ c0 G7 E3 l9 n% z: X' K
    ' r$ D# o3 u8 L1 f, K8 c7 K* r'I have a trip already booked for Disneyland Paris with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew – and this win will mean lots of extra spending money,' he said. 0 ~) c/ p( B/ W* B
    “我和我的姐姐、姐夫和外甥已经预订了去巴黎迪士尼乐园的行程,这次中了奖将意味着很多额外的花销,”他说。3 l# f3 G" s5 }6 D" D, v6 D
    'I am now worry free for the rest of my life!'- Q8 M0 ?# q* Y  a3 B7 G0 G, D
    : _7 U  l" x6 O; c0 { (via DailyMail)
    - d, f, t/ T# [, X而此时的小编......
    4 a6 E6 j  w, g
    3 g) e# }( z! h1 m$ u
    4 m. \/ t+ N1 B; }# ^( I+ n3 m  E2 \) m5 G% s1 A, B
    # s3 T; G; l5 `
    文:YANMING  k; p4 A$ n+ p9 `$ U6 M
    资料、图片:DailyMail, the Sun, mirror, express.co, 网络
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